📄️ Retrieve a single PEER (P2P) payment
This API endpoint is designed to retrieve detailed information about a specific PEER (P2P) payment. It allows you to access all relevant details of an individual PEER (P2P) payment transaction.
📄️ Retrieve a collection of PEER (P2P) payments
This API endpoint is intended to retrieve a collection of PEER (P2P) payments, specifically recent P2P payments for an account.
📄️ Retrieve a single payout payment MT103 info
This API endpoint is designed to retrieve MT103 information about a specific payout payment. Note: this endpoint is only applicable for SWIFT payments.
📄️ Retrieve a single payout payment tracking info
This API endpoint is designed to retrieve tracking information about a specific payout payment. Note: this endpoint is only applicable for SWIFT payments.
📄️ Retrieve a single payout payment
This API endpoint is designed to retrieve detailed information about a specific payout payment, providing access to all relevant details of an individual payout payment transaction.
📄️ Retrieve a collection of payout payments
This API endpoint is intended to retrieve a collection of payout payments, specifically recent payout payments for an account.
📄️ Create a payment
<p>This endpoint is intended to create a new payment.</p><p><b>Prerequisites:</b></p><p>To use this endpoint you need to have the <b>PAYMENT_CREATE</b> scope for the API Key. Please contact your relation manager to get this permission.</p><p><b>Request Parameters:</b></p><p><b>Beneficiary</b> Object is represented as <a href='/amnis/get-contact'>Contact</a> Object.</p><ul><li><b>beneficiary.type</b> : specifies the type of beneficiary and can be either 'legal_entity' or 'person'</li><li><b>beneficiary.country</b> : indicates the two-letter ISO country code of the beneficiary's country (e.g., 'CH' for Switzerland)</li><li>either <b>bankAccount.iban</b> or <b>bankAccount.accountNumber</b> is mandatory</li></ul><p>Payments created via the API are not signed. All payments made via API must also be signed in the amnis Web App.</p>
📄️ Retrieve a single pay-in payment
This API endpoint is your gateway to acquiring a wealth of information concerning an individual pay-in payment.
📄️ Retrieve a collection of pay-in payments
This API endpoint has been purposefully crafted to gather a compilation of pay-in payments, with a specific emphasis on acquiring all the latest pay-in transactions associated with a designated account.