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Retrieve a single PEER (P2P) payment

This API endpoint is designed to retrieve detailed information about a specific PEER (P2P) payment. It allows you to access all relevant details of an individual PEER (P2P) payment transaction.

Path Parameters
  • id string required

    WalletTransactionDetail identifier


OK - The request was processed successfully.

  • id integer
  • currency string
  • amount string
  • executionDate string
  • collateral boolean
  • side string

    Possible values: [sender, receiver]

  • senderCompanyName string
  • receiverCompanyName string
  • senderAccount integernull
  • receiverAccount integernull
  • comment stringnull
  • contact integer
  • status string

    Possible values: [created, pending, transferred, canceled]

  • fromAutomation boolean