📄️ Retrieve an account
This API endpoint is used to retrieve comprehensive details about an account. It serves as a valuable tool for accessing specific account data within your system, given the presence of fields like 'currency,' 'availableBalance,' and 'forecastedBalance.'
📄️ Retrieve a collection of accounts information
This API endpoint is designed to retrieve a collection of account information, providing a convenient way to access data related to multiple accounts within your system. The retrieved data includes fields such as 'currency,' 'availableBalance,' and 'forecastedBalance.'
📄️ Export Camt53 file for account movements
This API endpoint has been purposefully crafted to gather account movements into a Camt53 file. The endpoint must be filtered by day (with the startDate equal to the endDate) or by month (with the startDate equal to the first day of the month and the endDate equal to the last day of the month).