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Create a payment

This endpoint is intended to create a new payment.


To use this endpoint you need to have the PAYMENT_CREATE scope for the API Key. Please contact your relation manager to get this permission.

Request Parameters:

Beneficiary Object is represented as Contact Object.

  • beneficiary.type : specifies the type of beneficiary and can be either "legal_entity" or "person"
  • : indicates the two-letter ISO country code of the beneficiary's country (e.g., "CH" for Switzerland)
  • either bankAccount.iban or bankAccount.accountNumber is mandatory

Payments created via the API are not signed. All payments made via API must also be signed in the amnis Web App.

Request Body required
  • amount string required
  • executionDate stringnull

    If left empty, the next possible execution date will be selected automatically

  • reference string required

    Possible values: >= 3 characters and <= 140 characters

    This text will be seen by the beneficiary

  • feeSchedule string

    Possible values: <= 4 characters, [DEBT, SHAR, CRED]

    For LOCAL payments leave it empty, for SWIFT payments provide a value

  • beneficiary object required
  • name string
  • address string
  • city string
  • zip string
  • country string
  • type string
  • bankAccount object required
  • iban string
  • accountNumber string
  • swift string
  • currency string
  • country string
  • additionalFields object[] nullable
  • Array [
  • name string
  • value string
  • ]
  • externalId stringnull

    This should be a unique ID used to identify this payment in your system.


Created - The request was processed successfully.

  • id integer
  • account integer
  • currency string
  • amount string
  • status string

    Possible values: [created, pending, transferred, canceled, pending_execution, executed, execution_error]

  • executionDate stringnull

    If left empty, the next possible execution date will be selected automatically

  • transferredAt stringnull
  • finishedAt stringnull
  • reference string

    This text will be seen by the beneficiary

  • feeSchedule string

    Possible values: [DEBT, SHAR, CRED]

    For LOCAL payments leave it empty, for SWIFT payments provide a value

  • contact integer
  • beneficiary object
  • accountNumber string
  • bankName string nullable
  • bankCountry string nullable
  • name string
  • address string nullable
  • city string nullable
  • zip string nullable
  • country string nullable
  • contact string nullable
  • fromAutomation boolean